Featured Artist: Elise of Little Peaches Shop

Featured Artist: Elise of Little Peaches Shop

Meet Elise, of Little Peaches Shop. Elise has been a part of Rooted since the beginning, and her wonderful kid's and baby items are some of our most popular gifts. Her prints are adorable and her designs are thoughtful and incredibly well made. We are so happy to have her as a part of our Rooted family. Stop in to see our full selection of her items!

Where are you currently located?
Mount Joy, PA
How did you get started sewing?
My mom taught me the basics of sewing from a young age. In college, a friend of mine sparked my interest in quilting, which led to me dusting off my sewing skills. From there, I began to experiment with lots of practice, googling, and youtube!
What inspired you to start Little Peaches Shop?
I began sewing baby gifts for friends, especially when I needed something gender neutral and couldn't find anything very interesting. Then when I had my own babies, my ideas for new products really took a new spin, as I realized what would be most practical while still incorporating fun fabrics and modern designs. Coming up with the perfect gift for friends and loved ones has always been special to me and I love that my products play a small role in that for others.
What is your favorite item that you make, and do you have a favorite fabric/pattern?
This is a tough one! I'd probably say the Bunny Teethers are my favorite to make and my favorite pattern is the Peony pattern you see on lots of my products.
Do you have a favorite place to visit locally? (Can be a store, museum, park, etc.)
Besides Rooted ;), we've been loving going to Dutch Country Hand Rolled Soft Pretzels in Mount Joy for pretzels and ice cream (even in the winter!). Our kids often ask to go to the "Pretzel Shop" and it's always the perfect treat or our go to when something needs to be celebrated!
What has been your favorite thing to do during quarantine?
As a family we've been really into puzzles, but I've also found enjoyment in making more time to try new recipes or ideas in the kitchen.
What is the first thing you'll do once the world is safely reopened?
Take the kids to a Phillies game!
What do you find is the greatest benefit of being an artisan?
I love the community of amazing and caring people it has connected me with. It's truly something special that I couldn't have anticipated and feel enriched for having the chance to experience!
What is one piece of advice you would give to someone trying to start their own small business?
I would say that you should just start with what you have. If you have a great product or service, you really don't need fancy equipment or lots of money from the start. It's ok to push yourself to figure out creative solutions, even if it means starting off slow and gradually building over time. In the long run you'll make your "newbie" mistakes on a smaller scale and learn to make smarter decisions for your business that will pay off in the long run.
Check out Little Peaches Shop items in store or under the "featured artist collection" on our website!